Seems we have treated our homepage like the filthy worthless bitch it is...
Anyway, it's time to shoot out some great news!

We got a new member. Known as ThE_CroW ... yee the well know CroW now joined the northern side of life.

Also we got another new memberfor 10 months now and it's about time to give him credit here. Tsarblast, you rock man! I'm proud you're with us.

Also the Dominhal pussy is past of our history for very long.

seems we are inactive again

see you in valhalla once when we will return
I'd like to welcome our new grim bother in arms, Dominhall.
Great guy, nice to have him here.

we celebrate 5 years of stupidity today

Our root server broke once again. Since such things are expensive and we don't play really much lately we decided it's best to let our Rune servers go.

I've copied our forums to another server, where we probably abuse it the same way we did before. Sadly I only had a 3 month old backup.

But fear not, we probably fight you again on our Eternal Years On The Path To The Cemetary Gates.
So you might know what amroth looked like. We do all to well. That's why he is fired! His hair was simply too short. We got to run serious business here, and how can someone do that without the proper hair length. On the other hand who can blame him. Hades' mom is afraid of long hair.

He also was inatctive for a long time and told us that he would like to quite .. but who cares ..
All hail to the noble warrior from Swiss here Beyond the North Waves! As much as our clan stands for ... (you know what i mean), the name Cauldron Born also stands for exquisite quality. Yes you heard right! Thee mighty ass of Cauldron Born is now one of us.
"Blabla...I'm Hades and i told you so and I'm a pile of turd. Blabla I'm stupid Hades"

We kicked Mr. DiE out of this clan because beyond all this swearing and not-giving-a-damn we still have some rules and behavior norms (even if that's not many).
And one of these rules is not to be a fucking *****. I don't know if its ok to tell the exact reason even if he kind of deserved it for being so ignorant and argumentless. Well at least he got lost instead of loosing himself in a big fat argument. That's the little kudos i ahve to give him here.

Well that's unimportant anyway. What i wanted to say as the main reason for this big fat news:
since the Hostile clan got this fancy clan name i want to share the fancy new addition to our clan name which will be present temporarily for 5 minutes from the moment you read this. OK. are you ready for it? No one but us and Hades will understand it probably but here it is. OK. I bet you can't wait for it.OK. Ready? Here it is:


That was it. Did you like it? I like it. The part I like the most here is the fact that I made such a big deal out of it and in the end it was kind of sucky.
I mean it's not even funny or anything.

Well. Awesome news. Big fucking deal. See you around

Ah btw: I was the only one on Death Feast this year. Isca and Nuckel suck. Just wanted to mention it because we had such big news last year.

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